Mr. Ahmed M Hussein Babiker
BSc, MSc in Clinical Pharmacy
Head, Registration and Pricing Section,Pharmacy and Drug Control Department Ministry of Public Health, Doha, Qatar
Mr. Babiker has more than 24 years of experience in different fields of pharmacy practice including; hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, drug information, patient safety, quality and risk management. He has presented many papers in international scientific conferences and published an original research article in reputable Journal.
Mr. Babiker is a pharmacist with initially a degree from Sudan, which he substantiated by doing additional internationally, recognized examinations. He has research experience through a Master program at Queens University Belfast in the United Kingdom. His research interests are in the areas of patient safety and pharmacy practice.
He has worked as drug information pharmacist at Hamad Medical Corporation, the principal health institute in Qatar, which contributed to his clinical knowledge and skills. Through his work for the Ministry of Public Health, especially the Community Pharmacies Steering Group for the National Health Strategy Project 1.6 Community Pharmacies Strategy and as vaccine registration supervisor, he also has experience with the development of policies. Moreover, He is a member of a National Clinical Guideline Development Group in the State of Qatar.
In addition, Mr. Babiker is interested in sport activities; he was volunteering with Qatar Anti-doping Commission as a Doping Control Officer (DCO) since 2005. He participated in many and different sports activities in Qatar as DCO as well as DCO Venue Manager.

Dr. Anil Khurana
Dr. Anil Khurana
MD(Hom)Deputy Director General, CCRH
He has experience of over 30 years in the Council and has worked all areas of research i.e. clinical research, basic research, fundamental research, drug standardization, clinical verification and drug proving. He has undertaken Post Doctoral Fellowship in HIV AIDS in University of California, Los Angeles, US. He has also acquired qualification of Bio ethicist from ICMR-IGNOU (joint course). Dr Khurana is recipient of various awards and has more than 70 research publications in various national and international peer-reviewed journals to his credits.

Arvind Kothe
Arvind Kothe
MD (Hom) , PGCR (AIIPM&R, Mumbai)
Director, JIMS Homoeopathic Medical College & HospitalSriramnagar, Muchintal, Palmakula,Post, Shamshabad-Hyderabad, Telangana
Dr. Arvind kothe has teaching experience of 40 years and administrative experience of 30 years. He has held position of Chairman, Committee for Excellence in Homoeopathic Education, Central Council of Homoeopathy and member of Special Committee on Homoeopathic Drug Pathogenetic trials.
Currently Director and Prof. Dept. of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, JIMS Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Hyderabad, India. He is also PhD guide in Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Editor of Indian Journal of Applied Homoeopathy. He is member of several international schools like Glees Academy of Homoeopathic Physician and Committee on Accreditation of Schools, Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis ( LMHI).

Ashish Kumar
Ashish Kumar
B. Tech, MBA
Managing Director, Schwabe India
A graduate from MIT Muzaffarpur in B.Tech, Mr. Ashish Kumar did his MBA from UK from Cardiff Business School. He was among few candidates selected for a scholarship to complete Diploma in Innovation Management funded by Welsh Development Authority, Wales. Thereafter, he was selected by ICI, UK. From there he joined ICI India as a Management Trainee in December 1997 and went to become the youngest Country Manager in 2007 for Huntsman. During those years, he was well exposed to projects of Human Resources, Business Turnaround, and Acquisitions in different parts of the world. He excelled himself to become a turn-around expert over the years. He was awarded as the best Strategist for Huntsman in Asia.
In the Schwabe Group, he has been instrumental in the big turnaround of Schwabe India from 2011 and today has positioned Schwabe India as one of the most professionally managed companies in the Industry. In the Schwabe Group, Schwabe India had been awarded as the best company 2 times in a row within 4 years after he had taken over the leadership. He has been in the global strategic team for the Schwabe Group for Homoeopathy business and has been contributing to the development of the homoeopathy within the Group countries. An avid “People’s Person” he has been one of the “Remarkable Change Leaders” who has not only transformed Schwabe India financially and operationally, but he has built a people culture in Schwabe which has been recognized by many reputed organizations like Economic Times.

Dr. Catherine Lang
Dr. Catherine Lang
Scientific Programme Manager, European Pharmacopeia (Ph. Eur.)Department of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM)
Catherine LANG is Scientific Programme Manager in the European Pharmacopeia Department at the EDQM, Council of Europe. She was born in France and she holds a Master’s in Science (Biochemistry) from the University Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg and a DESS in Applied Microbiology from the Pharmaceutical University of Strasbourg.
After graduation, she worked for one year as a researcher in the R&D laboratory of a large food company.
From 1994-2000, she was Head of the microbiological quality control laboratory responsible for quality control and batch release in a pharmaceutical company.
In 2000, she worked in quality, safety and environment management of a large pharmaceutical industry and in 2001 she obtained a master’s degree in this field.
She has a large experience at the EDQM as a scientific administrator to several groups of experts and working parties such as groups dealing with veterinary vaccines and sera, human vaccines and sera, human blood and blood products, working parties dealing with botulinum toxin, dialysis solutions, gelatines, homoeopathic raw materials and stocks, water for pharmaceutical use.

Dr. Chandani Herath
Dr. Chandani Herath
DHMS, Diploma in Counselling, Diploma in Toxicology, Master in Public Administration - SLIDA
Medical Officer In-Charge
Govt. Homeopathic Hospital, Welisara, Sri Lanka
In Welisara, there is a Govt. Homeopathic Hospital under the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine. In Sri Lanka, about 178 Homeopathic registered doctors are there and out of them about 40 are institutionally qualified. They have either diploma or degree which obtained from Pakistan or India. Due to the absence of Homeopathic Teaching Institute, few number of Homeopathic qualified doctors enter to the field of Homeopathy, annually. Presently Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine gets 10 scholarships for BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery) from Ministry of AYUSH, India.
Dr. Chandani is currently Medical Officer In-Charge, of Govt. Homeopathic Hospital, Welisara, Sri Lanka. She completed her DHMS from Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College, Lahore
Dr. Chandani is involved in Clinical practice in OPD & IPD sectors of the hospital, Hospital Administration, Planning and development activities with regard to Homeopathy in Health sector and Policy planning and legal activities with regard to Homeopathy. She also have Diploma in Counselling, Diploma in Toxicology, Master in Public Administration – SLIDA

Christiaan Mol
Christiaan Mol
General Secretary, European Coalition on Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (ECHAMP)
Christiaan studied pharmacy in Italy (until 1987). Then he attended an intensive course homeopathy in Augsburg/ Germany (1988). Studies of philosophy of science in Stuttgart (1999). His focus was on understanding how thinking and empirical knowledge match. The researcher must be aware of what his basic assumptions are. This is very important to allow and understand a pluralistic approach to medicine. In studies on profit management in Heidelberg (2015) he gained insights in the management of associations as well as foundations.
Since 2013 he is the General Secretary of the industry association ECHAMP (European Coalition on Homeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products); in that role he focuses on aligning processes on technical issues for the sector of potentised medicinal products in general. He is member of the Committee on manufacturing of the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (GHP) and Board member of the International Association of Anthroposophic Pharmacists, IAAP. In these institutions technical aspects of homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products are discussed and adequate technical standards are worked out.
Today’s role in industrial company: he is one of the trustees in the board of the Wala foundation, who is the owner of Wala Heilmittel GmbH.

Dr. Christiane Kirchner
Dr. Christiane Kirchner
Head of the unit “Homoeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products” of the division “Complementary and Traditional Medicinal Products”, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
Christiane Kirchner is Head of the unit “Homoeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products” of the division “Complementary and Traditional Medicinal Products” of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in Germany. She was born in Germany, studied pharmacy and has additional qualifications in “General Pharmacy” and in “Public Health”. She has worked in BfArM for more than 25 years.
Christiane Kirchner has long-standing experience in the assessment of pharmaceutical quality and formal aspects of homoeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products, in the assessment of safety of preparations of zoological or human origin and stability testing of homoeopathic products.
She works in committees of the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (“Manufacturing Methods” and “Analytical Methods”) and in working groups on national and European level (e.g. HMPWG and EDQM, “Working Party Homoeopathic Manufacturing Methods”).
She is author and co-author of publications on regulatory aspects of homoeopathic medicinal products.

Diadelis Remirez Figueredo
Diadelis Remirez Figueredo
Senior Researcher Reviewer of Safety and Efficacy of Herbal Medicines and Synthetic products
Dr. D. Figueredo received her B.A. degree (1995, Biochemistry) from Faculty of Biology, Havana University, Cuba, and both her MSc (1995, Biomedicine) and PhD (1999 Pharmaceutical Sciences) degree from National Center for Scientific Research in Havana, and most of the results were done in the Department of Toxicology at the Free University in Amsterdam. Postdoctoral training in Molecular Toxicology and pharmacology was completed at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Toronto, Canada.
She has been referee of scientific journals related with natural products. Other previous academic appointments include lecturer in different international meeting. She has been the recipient of National Award of Pharmacology twice from the Cuban Pharmacology Society. She worked as Expert for the evaluation of preclinical platform in South Africa. (CSIR).
She is currently the Vice president of Cuban Pharmacology Society. She is the WHO focal point for traditional medicine in Cuba. At present she works in the Cuba Regulatory Agency, she is one of the reviewers for authorization of clinical trials, and the evaluation of safety and efficacy of drugs for registering. She is the project leader for Pharmacogenetic guideline.
Dr. Remirez research is described in over 35 published research reports.

Edward De Beukelaer
Edward De Beukelaer
Veterinary surgeon in private practice, president of the IAVH Riverside veterinary Centre
Pelham Court
Sn8 2AG United Kingdom
Edward was born in Belgium where he studied veterinary medicine (graduated Ghent 1986). He subsequently worked as a veterinary surgeon in mixed large and small animal practice in France and then the UK.
Edward started studying homeopathy in France (SHV, Paris) in 1992. He then went to the CLH school of Mark Brunson in Belgium for 5 years to further his homeopathy training.
Through his involvement in homeopathy in the UK he became part of the IAVH to start a veterinary Materia Medica project collecting ‘specific’ veterinary information relating to homeopathic remedies.
Edward was elected president of the IAVH in September 2015 and was re-elected in November 2018 (IAVH = International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy). He attends 4 yearly meetings of Eurocam which is a EU lobby group which promotes CAM to the EU institutions.
He published a book: ‘Homeopathy? What to expect’. It contains 101 veterinary cases by 12 different veterinary surgeons, edited for the public to help achieving an understanding of the homeopathic prescription.

Dr. Eric L Foxman
Dr. Eric L Foxman
Senior ScientistHomeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States
Eric L. Foxman has a rich history of work in the homeopathic industry. He has been a member of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States since its founding in 1980 and is presently in his 12th year on the Board of Trustees. He serves as the Senior Scientist of the Convention and the Chair of the Council on Pharmacy. In these capacities, Eric is very active in the on-going revision and updating of the contents of the HPUS. He is an active member of the Working Group on commonalities between the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India and the United States.
Mr. Foxman has been active a member or representative of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists for over 38 years and serves as the Secretary and Board member of that organization. He has presented numerous workshops on legal, regulatory and technical aspects of the manufacturing and marketing of homeopathic drug products. He also presents updates to the HPUS through an annual webinar on behalf of the AAHP.
A licensed pharmacist, Eric is a consultant to the homeopathic industry with a focus on helping companies achieve compliance with the myriad of regulatory requirements for companies’ high-quality, well-formulated homeopathic drug products. He provides formulation, production and labeling consultation and review and other support work for his clients across the homeopathic industry.

Frédéric Ducher
Frédéric Ducher
Pharm. D.
Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, BoironDeputy Qualified Person
Frédéric Ducher is director of global regulatory affairs at Boiron. He is also Deputy Qualified Person to Boiron and a member of the executive committee.
Born in Périgueux, France, he became a pharmacist at the University of Bordeaux and completed his studies with a Master in Analytical Methods. He moved to Paris to be an intern in pharmacy in Parisian hospitals and completed his training with a Master's degree in quality assurance and a postgraduate degree in biomedical and industrial pharmacy.
After four years in the hospital, he joined GlaxoSmithKline in 1997, holding various positions in regulatory affairs, project team leader and marketing, mainly in the respiratory field. In 2008, he joined Bayer to consider the regulatory team and then the marketing department of Cardiology.
He then joined Boiron in 2015 with the goal of developing regulatory affairs worldwide. The 70-person department includes activities for Redaction with a laboratory for analytical development and stability testing, registration and marketing approvals, pharmaceutical business and pharmacovigilance.

Dr. Geetha Krishnan
Dr. Geetha Krishnan
Technical officer in the Traditional,Complementary and Integrative Medicine Unit of WHO
Dr. Geetha Krishnan Gopalakrishna Pillai is currently the AYUSH expert in the World Health Organization. He is the first person to have been selected by the Govt. of India to this post, where as a Technical officer in the Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine Unit of WHO, he works on policies and guidelines of WHO for AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) systems. Dr Geetha is a researcher, and clinician. His broad background expertise is in Ayurveda, with specific skills, training and experience Integrative Medicine and herbal drug development. He has proposed the Axial Model of Integrative medicine, a working model for integrating multiple systems of medicine in 2011. Based on this model, he successfully established the integrative medicine department in India’s largest multispecialty hospital. Here he proved the clinical benefits and economic viability of Integrative medicine through successful application of the model and managed more than 17000 patients in a period of seven years. He has experience and expertise in using clinical interventions of Ayurveda and Yoga in Integrative practice and research.
He has several completed and ongoing clinical research projects, to his credit -as a Principal Investigator- in the areas of Cancer, Diabetes, and Infectious diseases. He also has several peer reviewed publications to his credit, from each completed project and has been awarded patents in US and Germany. His research has been supported by government, private, and institutional grants. He has been successful in initiating and establishing several effective collaborations.

Dr. Gunther Herr
Dr. Gunther Herr
M. Jur. (Oxon)
Qualified Lawyer Director Legal & Regulatory Affairs,Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH
Dr. Gunther Herr is Director Legal & Regulatory Affairs for Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH ("Heel") in Baden-Baden, Germany.
He was born in Germany, studied law at University of Constance and University of Oxford and qualified in law.
From 2003 until 2006 he worked as Attorney-at-Law in a law firm specialized in healthcare. Since 2006 he has been with Heel, a leading manufacturer and distributor of complex homeopathic
medicinal products with subsidiaries and partners in around 50 countries.
Dr. Herr is member of the Executive Board of the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) and member of EUCOPE's Legal Working Group. He is a guest lecturer for both the "Zusatzqualifikation Pharmarecht" and the "LL.M.- Weiterbildungsstudiengang Pharmarecht" at University of Marburg.

MSc, Ph.D., M.A., N.D., PG Dip DRA
Comparing the major homeopathic pharmacopoeia
G. V. R. Joseph is Director of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory. He was born in Andhra Pradesh, India, did his Ph.D. in Botany, studied Naturopathic medicine and also did masters in Sociology besides Post graduate diploma in Drug Regulatory affairs. Dr.Joseph specialized in Drug Standardization and working in the same field per the past 20 years. He worked in various capacities in Government of India at different parts of the Country. He was the Programme Officer for Medico Ethno Botanical Research travelled extensively different parts of India in connection with the folklore study and medicinal plants. He authored eighteen books and published numerous research articles of Inter National and National reputation.
He Represented India for negotiations on Traditional Health Medicinal Plants Directive (THMPD) with European Commission and represented India couple of International forums. During his posting at International Cooperation section he worked extensively on Drug regulatory affairs. Since 2017 Dr.Joseph is working as a Director, Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory (HPL) and also performing duties as Government Analyst for entire India on Homeopathic Medicine. HPL is the only Government owned Drug Testing Laboratory which tests the quality and sets the standards for Homeopathic Medicines.

Dr. Hélène RENOUX
Dr. Hélène RENOUX
Medical Doctor with an additional qualification in HomeopathyPresident of the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH)
President of the Société Savanted’ Homéopathie (SSH)
Hélène Renoux is a general practitioner working in a Paris suburb and has been qualified in homeopathy in 1995 at INHF-Paris (Institut National Homéopathique Français).
Native of Nantes (Brittany) she completed there her full medical training at the University before moving to Paris for an additional qualification in Tropical diseases and Public health (Université Paris XI, Pierre et Marie Curie) in 1987.
She spent several months, as medical student, working in west Africa in dispensaries as volunteer, in Senegal, Togo, and after being graduated she spent half a year in Pakistan with afghan refugees working for the NGO « AICF » (Action Internationale Contre la Faim) in 1988.
She has taught classical homeopathy at INHF-Paris where she has been General Secretary for four years (2008 – 2012). She also conducted nine educational provings with the students and the teaching team in Paris, and she still conducts provings with different working groups in France. She is also editorial board member of " La Revue d'Homéopathie" published by Elsevier.
She joined the ECH Provings Subcommittee in 2009 and became ECH General Secretary in November 2012 and ECH President in November 2016. She also became the General Secretary of the SSH (Société Savante d’Homéopathie) in January 2012 and its President in December 2017.

Ilse Muchitsch Mag
Ilse Muchitsch Mag
European Committee for Homeopathy, Subcommittee
pharmacy coordinator
Ilse Muchitsch is working as a pharmacist in Austria, Vienna since successfully completing her University degree (Magistra Pharmaciae - Mag.pharm.) in Pharmacy (thesis in Biochemistry). She is currently working in a pharmacy in Vienna.
She leads the Interdisciplinary Homeopathic Working Group since 2000: HomResearch for Pharmacy – Medicine – Biochemistry – Physics – Psychology at the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacy, Department Vienna. In the last 18 years in-service training events, lectures at the University of Vienna (Department of Pharmacy) and working groups have been organized by her, dedicated to the task of exploring scientific models of explanation, teaching and practice of homeopathic pharmacy. She started several international cooperations, such as studies in thermoluminescence with Prof. Louis Rey (France) to learn about different criteria of dilutions and other preparations.
Furthermore, Ilse Muchitsch is an author of the Austrian Journal of Pharmacy. Ilse Muchitsch is co-working with Michael Frass , MD. Professor of Medicine, Internal physician, internal intensivist, homeopath, at the Medical University of Vienna. She wrote the pharmaceutical part in the text book “Homeopathy in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine“. She is coauthor of several scientific papers. She cooperates with the “Outpatient Unit: Homeopathy in malignant Diseases”, Medical University Vienna, Austria, Dept. Medicine I, Division Oncology.
Since 2014 she is Pharmacy coordinator of the European Committee for Homeopathy headlining following responsibilities: to support the availability of safe and high-quality homeopathic medicines, to review the documents for public consultation of HMPWG (homeopathic medicinal product working group), e.g. concerning First Safe Dilutions (FSD) and homeopathic use and to raise the standards of homeopathic pharmacy practice by encouraging the development of appropriate harmonized training programs for pharmacists and support staff across Europe.

Dr. Iracema de A Benevides
Dr. Iracema de Almeida Benevides
MD. Msc.
President, Brazilian Association of Anthroposophic Medicine Associação Brasileira de Medicina Antroposófica, ABMA. Vice-President, International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations, IVAA.
Iracema Benevides is the President of the Brazilian Association of Anthroposophic Medicine and Vice- President of the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations. She was born in Brazil and qualified as Medicine Doctor, specialized in general surgery, medical nutrition, public health, anthroposophic medicine and homeopathy. She holds a Master in International Health Care Management Economics and Politics.
She worked as General Surgeon and Family Health doctor in Public Health from 1996 to 2003. She served with the Brazilian Minister of Health as a consultant, technical assistant and project coordinator, dedicated to Monitoring and Evaluation of the Primary Health Care Strategy and collaborated to the development and implementation of the National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices from 2004 to 2010.
She has also been a lecturer at the Faculdade da Saúde e Ecologia Humana Medical School and the Medical School of Pontifícia Universidade Católica, both in Belo Horizonte, Brazil from 2010 to 2016 and workes as a general practitioner and Anthroposophic doctor in private practice in Belo Horizonte, Brazil since 2013 to present.
Her current scope of work includes collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Health, WHO, PAHO and UNICEF from 2001 to present. Currently she integrates the team responsible for the development and updates of the Virtual Library in Health on Traditional Complementar and Integrative Medicine of the Americas, a project supported by PAHO (

Prof. Ivan Kosalec
Prof. Ivan Kosalec
University professor
Ivan Kosalec finished study of pharmacy (1997) and currently holds a position of professor at University of Zagreb (Croatia). He is also expert in the field of (traditional) herbal medicinal products and member of Herbal Medicinal Products Committee at European Medicines Agency.
In the Croatian medicines agency, he is assessor of (traditional) herbal medicinal products and homeopathic medicinal products more than five years. At Faculty of Pharmacy in Biochemistry together with colleagues is involved in course of complementary and traditional medicine where teach students about quality assessments and pharmaceutical side of homeopathic medicinal products.
Main focus of his work in the field of homeopathy is evaluation of homeopathic medicinal products, their quality based on pharmacopoeia’s assessments and methods of products preparation in homeopathic pharmacy. As a microbiologist, critical thinking and rationalization of contamination of homeopathic stocks and herbal products are also topic of his teachings and in professional papers.

Prof. Dr. J. D. DARYANI
Prof. Dr. J. D. DARYANI
MD (Hom.)
Former, Principal & Medical Suptd., Professor & Head, Deptt. of Repertory, Dr MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur.
Dr. J. D. Daryani is Former, Dean, Faculty of Homoeopathy in Rajasthan University and Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur. Former, Chairmen, Special Committee for Drug Proving – Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. Currently he is Member of Academic Council, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Advisory Committee of AYUSH, Govt. of Rajasthan and Advisory Committee of Regional Research Institute of Homoeopathy, Jaipur.
He is visiting Professor, Guide / Supervisor for MD & PhD scholars in Homoeopathy in various Universities/ Institutions.
Dr Daryani has attended and presented scientific papers in several National & International Conferences in USA, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Dubai, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc.

Jack Hendrickx
Jack Hendrickx
Industrial Pharmacist, QPRemedy Bank
Mr. Jack Hendrickx was born in Antwerpen (Belgium) where he also graduated as pharmacist in 1977. After his military training, he went back to university for a graduation in industrial pharmacy. In 1980, he started his profession in the homeopathic laboratory HOMEODEN in Ghent. In 1984 he founded a company for the development and sales of equipment dedicated for homeopathic preparation. Now, LABOTICS has become number 1 in the world when it comes to homeopathic machinery. They have constructed over 700 machines, including more than 100 Korsakov machines; furthermore they lead the market of dynamizing and impregnation equipment, and have clients in more than 30 countries, including India. Their newest development is K-TRONIC ADAMAS, a fully validated Korsakov dilutor allowing dilutions with 0.3% of precision.
In 2012, Mr. Hendrickx, started Remedy Bank, a cooperative company for the making of raw and starting materials for homeopathic use. He is co-founder of co-founder, Phablets. Cli. Biol. Wim De Marez (Hildegard Pharmacy, Brussels (BE), member and former Coordinator (2004-2012) of Pharmacy Subcommittee (
He has given keynote presentations on diverse Congresses of Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), ECH and ABFH (Brazil).

Dr. Jayesh R. Bellare
Dr. Jayesh R. Bellare
B-Tech(IIT-B),Ph.D.(U.Minn,USA),PostDoc (MIT,USA)Professor, Chemical Engineering &
Ex-Head, BioSchool, Indian Institute of Technology
I.I.T. Powai, Mumbai - 400 076 India
Dr. Jayesh Bellare is Institute Chair Professor of Chemical Engineering at IIT Bombay. He is a renowned expert in nanostructured materials for healthcare, biomedical devices, and electron microscopy. His research includes nanomedicines across multiple systems of medicines (particularly Homeopathic medicines, Ayurvedic Bhasma and Allopathich nanoparticles), 3D scaffolds, regenerative medicine, hollow-fiber-membranes, and stem-cell expansion. He is an expert in cryo-electron microscopy of soft nanomaterials. He is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Science, India, the Indian National Academy of Engineering, the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, and the Electron Microscopy Society of India.
He is a consultant to several industries, advisor to many Government panels and institutions, and has served on the board of directors of two companies. He has numerous publications, patents and awards. Among the recent ones are the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Government of India, Ministry of Ayush for his Nanotechnology work, and the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Dr. João Paulo Silvério Perfeito
Dr. João Paulo Silvério Perfeito
Manager of Specific, Low Risk,Herbal and Homeopathic Medicines and Medical Gases of General Office of Drugs - Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA)
João Paulo Silvério Perfeito is Manager of Specific, Low Risk, Herbal and Homeopathic Medicines and Medical Gases of General Office of Drugs at the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) since 2016. He is Brazilian, graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences with qualification in Clinical and Industrial Pharmacy.
He is also qualified in Pharmaceutical Industrial Management and Public Health. From 2010 to 2012, he took a postgraduate course at Universidade de Brasília (Brasilia/Brazil) and obtained a master’s degree in Health Sciences.
He is working as an Expert in Health Regulation at the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) since 2007 and since 2010 he is being member of Technical Thematic Committee of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. From 2012 to 2014, he worked as Deputy Coordinator of Herbal and Homeopathic Medicines of General Office of Drugs – ANVISA. From 2014 to 2016, he worked as Coordinator of Specific and Low Risk Medicines and Medical Gases of General Office of Drugs - ANVISA.

Prof. K.R.C. Reddy
Prof. K.R.C. Reddy
BAMS, MD (Ayurv), Ph.D.
harmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy Director In-charge, Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India Ghaziabad
Dr. Reddy is Director, Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine and Director I/c, Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicine. He is former Head , Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU,Varanasi. He was also Superintendent, Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), BHU and Manager-Ayurvedic Pharmacy, National Institute of Ayurveda and other significant positions in government.
He is recipient of several awards like Nagarjuna Award, Acharyaratna Award, Murthy Scientist Award among many others.
He has been appointed in TKDL, CSIR, as expert of Ayurveda for Rare Ayurvedic books and unidentified medicinal plant products letter dated 17th Sept.,2010 and continuing till today. He has around 100 research publications in national and international peer reviewed journals, and owes authorship in 18 books.

Dr. (Mrs.)K. S. Sethi
Dr. (Mrs.)K. S. Sethi
DHMS, Dip NIH, PG Hospital management, PG diploma Human Rights
Advisor (Homoeopathy) Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India
Dr. KS Sethi completed DHMS from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital in 1977 and Diploma from National Institute of Homoeopathic in1980.
She has experience of working in CCRH and as Chief Medical Officer (CMO) in CGHS from 1988 till 2006; as CMO (NFSG) from 2006 till 2015; Joint Advisor (H) December,2015 till 15th May, 2017.
Dr Sethi was posted as Director I/C (HPL) Ghaziabad from 11th January 2016 to 21st February,2017.
She is recipient of Life Time Achievement Award 2017 by Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine Delhi and Special appreciation award 2018 by Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine Delhi.
Currently she is working as Advisor (Homoeopathy) in Ministry of AYUSH

Dr. K.V. Athman
Dr. K.V. Athman
M.V.Sc., Ph D(Animal Reproduction)
Founder Secretary & Patron, Charity Society for Holistic Veterinary Medicine
Dr. K. V. Athman is Former ADR(V&AS) & Professor, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) Vellanikkara, Thrissur and Faculty, Post Graduate Certificate Course in Veterinary Homeopathy, Kerala Veterinary & Animal Science University (kvasu)Pookode, Wayanad.
He has experience of working as Associate Director Research(V&AS), KAU, Professor & Head, University Veterinary Hospital, Thrissur & CBF, Thumboormuzhy, Professor DAR, UVH , LRS of Veterinary Faculty, KAU, Consultant for various Dairy Farms of Kerala and outside.
In Academic career he has guided 12 M.V.Sc. and 3 PhD students both in Animal Reproduction & Animal Surgery. After retirement in 2009, Dr. Anthman is concentrating mainly on Veterinary Homeopathy.

Prof. Laxmikanta Nanda
Prof. Laxmikanta Nanda
M.D (Hom.)
Consultant Homoeopath
Laxmikanta Nanda is the former principal cum superintendent,
Dr. A. C. Homoeopathic Medical College, Bhubaneswar, India.and worked in the same college as Head of the department Materia Medica and a teacher for B.H.M.S and Post Graduate Course .
He visited Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital , London and New England School of Homoeopathy sponsored by W.H.O. and Department of AYUSH, Govt. of India.
Presented Research paper in International Seminar at Cape Town, Berlin, New Delhi organized by LMHI and also at Dubai.
He is a member of Advisory board, of the journal of “ Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy “published by CCRH , former convener of the journal” Indian Journal of Education and Practice “ published by Central Council of Homoeopathy.
He was former member of Central Council of Homoeopathy from 2006 to 2018, Chairman, Committee of Excellency in Education, C.C.H. from 2015 to 2018 and former Member of Scientific Advisory Committee, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy from 2006 to 2018 . Published four books and contributed Scientific paper in 91 journal including 6 International journals.
Research Studies undertaken by Dr.Nanda; A Study on , Biochemical and molecular basis of evaluation of efficacy of Rauwolfia Serpentina in its (Q,6C,30C) Preparation on hypertension-induced rat models. at Dept. of Biotechnology, Utkal University, funded by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, under extra mural project.A clinical study on effect of potentised Commiphora Mukul (Guggul) in Osteo arthritis. ( 2003 to 2005).A clinical Trial of Fennugreek (Triogonella Fornum Graceum.L.) Mother Tincture on type- II Diabetis Mellitus

Ms. Monica Yeoh Siu Cheng
Ms. Monica Yeoh Siu Cheng
Principal Assistant Director, Natural Products Unit, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Section, Product Registration Centre, National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, Malaysia
Monica Yeoh is a regulatory officer in the Natural Products Unit, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Section, Product Registration Centre, National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, Malaysia. She was born in Kuala Lumpur, qualified in Pharmacy and has worked with the Malaysian government for twelve years.
She worked as a pharmacist in University Malaya Medical Centre from 2006 to 2007 and then in Ampang Hospital from 2008 to 2015. She has worked as a regulatory officer in Natural Products Unit, NPRA, since 2016. Her current focus is on evaluation of new products for registration.

Dr. Mudita Arora
Dr. Mudita Arora
GM, R&D and Quality AssuranceBakson Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Mudita completed her B.H.M.S. from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College, Delhi University in 1996, and then did Diploma in management from AIMA, New Delhi. She also has undergone Clinical Training in Maternal and Child Health, Radiotherapy and Ultrasonology under conventional medicine in reputed hospitals of Delhi.
In June 2004 she joined reputed Pharmaceutical and now has 15 years of experience in Research & Development. In her current role as GM, R&D and Quality Assurance, Bakson Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd which is an ISO 9001: 2015 and G.M.P. certified company, she is responsible for product management and clinical research. The products are produced in compliance with the pharmacopoeial and other international standards including GMP. They are extensively put to trials before launch and their marketing as well as after sale review are carefully monitored to deliver the best to the consumers in terms of efficacy and cost effectiveness.

Dr. Neil Gower
Dr. Neil Gower
M-Tech Hom (UJ) CML (UNISA)Chairperson: Complementary Medicines Committee (CMC)
South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA)
Senior Lecturer: Department of Complementary Medicines University of Johannesburg
Dr Neil Gower is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Complementary Medicine (formerly Homoeopathy), at the University of Johannesburg. He completed a Masters Degree in homoeopathy (MTech Hom) in 2004 and registering as a homoeopathic practitioner with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA). He began lecturing part-time for the University of Johannesburg in 2005 and was Head Clinician from 2007-2011 and appointed a fulltime lecturer in 2008 in the Department of Homoeopathy. Dr Gower was the National Secretary of the Homoeopathic Association of South Africa (HSA) (2005-2015). He was a Council member of the Medicines Control Council of South Africa (MCC) (2015-2018) until transition to SAHPRA. He continues to be member of expert advisory committee members to the SAHPRA including: Chairperson of the Complementary Medicines Committee (CMC), member of the Legal Committee (LC), Good Practices Committees (GXPCC) and Regulatory Advisory Committee (RAC).
Dr Gower has completed a Certificate in Medicine and Law (CML) (with distinction) from UNISA/UP, Certificate in Legislative Drafting from UJ (cum laude) as well as Certificates in Project Management (UJ) (cum laude) and Dispensing and Compounding (UP). This is in addition to various courses in the field of health, ethics and regulatory standard. He is currently registered for and undertaking a Doctoral degree in Health Studies with the University of South Africa investigating the role of Complementary Medicine and Universal Health Coverage.
Neil has a significant interest and knowledge in regulatory affairs of medicine in general and has provided numerous presentations on associated subject matter both nationally and internationally. He is passionate about the field of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, which underlies his involvement in lecturing, research supervision as well as system development.

Mr. Nishant Jain
Mr. Nishant Jain
CEO at B. Jain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd
Nishant Jain, CEO at B. Jain Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd, is a third generation of the family which has been associated with the homeopathic field. Nishant Jain is an MBA from S. P. Jain Institute of Business Studies, Mumbai, India. He has played a key role in introducing RADAR (a Belgium based homeopathic software) to the grass root level practice in India and added a huge number of doctors to the RADAR family of users. He is very passionate about homeopathy and works for promotion of homeopathy at different levels.
He has travelled worldwide to represent India at an international platform for homeopathic manufacturing. B. Jain Pharmaceuticals has been Mr.Nishant’s dream with the idea to take Indian homeopathic manufacturing to greater heights at a world level. B. Jain Pharmaceuticals inspite of being a new company achieved exports to more than 20 countries within a span on 7 yrs. of its launch. B. Jain Pharmaceuticals has made a mark in the Homeopathic industry and is known for its various accreditation like GMP, Health Canada License, ISO , NSF etc. along with maintenance of high Quality standards in terms of Production and Quality Control. B. Jain aims to make standardized manufacturing as a norm in Homeopathic industry.

Dr. P. K. Naveen
Dr. P. K. Naveen
Dr. Naveen was born in Kerala, qualified as Graduate in Veterinary Science in 1959. He completed his Post Graduation in Animal Reproduction in 1981.
He has worked in Kerala Government Service as Veterinary Surgeon, Deputy Director and Joint Director. He has rich 32 years of experience in Veterinary medicine.
Dr. Naveen is practicing veterinary Homoeopathic Medicine for over 50 years. He is founder president of Charitable Society for Holistic Veterinary Medicine. Presently, he is Faculty Member of Post Graduate Certificate course in veterinary homoeopathy of Kerala veterinary and Animal Sciences University.

Dr. Petra Weiermayer
Dr. Petra Weiermayer
DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)President of the Austrian Association for Veterinary Homeopathy (OEGVH), Coordinator of the Political Subcommittee of the International Association for Veterinary
Homeopathy (IAVH), Member of the Research Subcommittee of the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH), Homeopathic horse practitioner
Petra Weiermayer was born in Vienna, Austria, qualified in Veterinary Medicine and works as a homeopathic horse practitioner in Vienna, Austria since 2011. She worked as a clinical assessor at the Austrian Agency for Food and Health Safety from 2009 to 2014. She received the Diploma of the European Academy for Veterinary Homeopathy in 2009.
Since 2013, she is a board member of the OEGVH. From 2015 to 2018, she was General Secretary of the IAVH. Since 2018, she is the President of the OEGVH and IAVH National Representative of Austria. Since 2017, she is coordinator of the Political Subcommittee of the IAVH and since 2014, she is member of the Research Subcommittee of the ECH.
Her main political tasks in the last 3 years were lobbying for veterinary homeopathy within the developing process of the EU Regulation on Veterinary Medicine and within the renewal of the EU Regulation on Organic Farming. Her main current political tasks are promotion of veterinary homeopathy all over the world. Her recent research task was the organisation of the Research Workshop at the ECH / IAVH Symposium in November 2018 were she presented her main current research project being a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in veterinary homeopathy.
She gives lectures to students of veterinary homeopathy and in March 2018 she published a homeopathic case report in the Equine Veterinary Science Journal, which was also presented at the World Veterinary Association (WVA) Congress in Barcelona, in May 2018.

Dr. Rachna Paliwal
Dr. Rachna Paliwal
Research Officer (Homoeopathy)Ministry of AYUSH
Dr. Rachna Paliwal is a Homoeopathy Post graduate from National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata. She joined as Research Officer in the Drug Control Cell of Ministry of AYUSH in 2016 after selection through UPSC. In the Ministry she is dealing with all technical and regulatory matters of Homoeopathy drugs and Industry. She is a notified and only Central Drug Inspector for Homoeopathy (Additional Charge) in India. Prior to joining the Central Government service she was working as Homoeopathic Medical Officer in the State of West Bengal and as an Assistant Professor (on deputation) in The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital.
In short span of her service in the Ministry, she has made herself conversant with the regulatory matters pertaining to Homoeopathy drugs and has the zeal to work for the development of AYUSH drugs as a whole by addressing the quality and safety issues with innovative ideas.

Dr. Raj. K. Manchanda
Dr. Raj. K. Manchanda
M.D. (Homoeopathy), M.B.A. (Health Care Administration)
Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of IndiaCo- chairman, sub-committee of Drug Technical Advisory Board (Homoeopathy)
Secretary for Research, Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)
Dr. Raj. K. Manchanda born in India, graduated as a homoeopathic physician from Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College, Delhi University and gained further insight into the science during his post-graduation in Homoeopathy from Dr. MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. His interest in healthcare further inspired him to pursue a M.B.A degree in Health care administration from Faculty of Management of Sciences, Delhi University.
Currently, he is holding post of Director General of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. He has professional experience of 35 years as an able clinician, teacher, researcher, and administrator. He has rare insight into policy matters related to Homoeopathic Education, Research, Medicinal products and Global Affairs. He was awarded - “Award of Recognition” by Robert Bosch Foundation, Germany in 2011 for Indo-German collaborations.
Dr. Manchanda has over 120 research papers published in National & International peer-review journals on various research topics like Basic & Fundamental, clinical, drug standardization and clinical verification. He also owes authorship of Textbook of Dermatology for Homoeopaths in English and Spanish. He has presented more than 50 research papers aiming to spread the spirit of evidence based medicine and encourage research in Homoeopathic science globally.

Dr. Rajesh Shah
Dr. Rajesh Shah
MD (Hom)
Founder and Director, Life Force Homoeopathy
Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom) is a global homeopath, researcher and an academician. He is in the book of world records for treating patients from highest number of countries, the count is 180 countries.
He has been seriously working on New Drug Discovery since about two decades. He has developed over 150 new homeopathic medicines, including those from biological sources such as HIV nosode, Hepatitis C nosode, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis nosode, Cancer nosode, Malaria nosode, and more. He has also conducted double-blind, placebo controlled Drug Provings, Clinical trials, experiments in animal models, plant models, as well as in-vitro studies, in collaboration with reputed institutions such as Haffkin Institute, ICT (UDCT), IIT-Bombay, Tata Memorial, Nair hospital, Mumbai University, etc. He has introduced 17 step scientific method of development of new nosodes. He is working on revamping all major homeopathic nosodes. He is a recipient of Best Research paper award from AYUSH’s CCRH, by the hands of the Vice President of India.
He has also defined Force parameters for Standardization of Potentization.
His research papers on New Drug Discovery are published in peer-reviewed, international journals. He is an author of several books. He has conducted seminars and workshops for homeopathic and allopathic doctors in India, USA, England, Belgium, Holland, Greece, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Croatia, and other countries. He is an author of several books including My Experiences with Ferrum Metallicum, Phenomena and Facets, etc.
He is former member of CCRH’s Drug Standardization Committee under the Ministry of AYUSH.

Dr. Ramankutty P
Dr. Ramankutty P
Joint Director(AH) retd. Kerala Animal Husbandry ServicesB.V.Sc (Kerala veterinary College)
Trained in vet clinical medicine, Kerala veterinary college
DMMH, DOMH from Premier Homeopathic medical college, Chandigarh and Health and medical institute, Calcutta respectively.
Dr. Kutty served as veterinary surgeon and various capacities in Kerala, Animal Husbandry department. He retired as Joint Director on 31 March 2017. He developed interest to study Homoeopathy and acquired distant education on principles of homeopathy from Premier Homeopathy Medical College, Chandigarh. He acquired membership certificate and diploma of Biochemic Medicine and diploma in Materia medica in homeopathy (DMMH and DOMH) during 1988. With this basic knowledge, guidance and support from homeopath friends, he started using Homeopathy in veterinary practices and since then found it to be very encouraging.
Since 2005, he is putting efforts to train veterinarians in homeopathy. He has also formed an organization, The Charitable Society for Holistic Veterinary Medicine with the active support of fellow veterinarians having experience and faith in veterinary Homeopathy. With active involvement of his organisation, the Post Graduate Certificate Course in Veterinary Homeopathy has been initiated by the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University, Kerala. Dr. Kutty is technical committee member of Kerala Veterinary and animal science university.
He is also Member Patron and President of Charitable society for Holistic Veterinary medicine and Member of Institute of homeopathy Research and development, Trichur, Kerala.

Dr. Robbert van Haselen
Dr. Robbert van Haselen
Director, World Integrated Medicine Forum, International Institute for Integrated Medicine, Research Consultant
Robbert van Haselen is Director of the International Institute for Integrated Medicine and the World Integrated Medicine Forum. He was born in the Netherlands, qualified in Health Sciences and Naturopathic medicine and worked in private practice for eight years.
He worked as Head of Research for VSM, (a Dutch homeopathic company) from1990 to 1995 and in the same role for Heel (a German homeopathic company) from 2006 to 2011.
From 1995 to 2005, he worked at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital as Deputy Director of Research and as an independent research consultant.
He took over as Editor-in-Chief of the journal ‘Complementary Therapies in Medicine’ in 2004 and turned it into one of the world's leading peer reviewed Traditional and Integrated Medicine journals. By handover in 2015, it received more than 600 submissions per year from over 50 countries (2015 Impact Factor 1.94).
From 1995 to 2005 he was Research Subcommittee co-ordinator of the European Committee of Homeopathy. He currently runs a project that aims to foster 'critical thinking' in both research and education and link this to improving the quality of clinical case reports. He is a member of the HPCUS since 2009 and is involved in the development of guidelines for the clinical review in the monograph review process.
He works as an independent research consultant, and is involved in various activities under the header of the “International Institute for Integrated Medicine” (INTMEDI), which he founded in 2004. This includes founding the World Integrated Medicine Forum (

Ronko Itamura
Ronko Itamura
M.D., Ph.D. MFHom
Senior Director and Dean of the Japanese Physicians Society for Homeopathy (JPSH).National Vice-President for Japan of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI).
Executive Director of The Society for Integrative Medicine Japan (IMJ).
Senior Research Fellow of Institute for Future Engineering.
She graduated from Kansai Medical University with a medical doctor degree and finished her doctorate in Kyoto University with a Ph.D. Worked at the Department of Microbiology in Mount Sinai School of Medicine (U.S.A.) as a post-doctor (1992 –1994). She has been a Registered Dermatologist since 1995 and Board Certified member of Japanese Psychosomatic Medicine in 2004. She got the MFHom of the Faculty of Homeopathy (UK) as a first Japanese doctor in 2003. She completed the Koiné Three-Year International Postgraduate Course(2004-2007). Fellowship in Integrative Medicine of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) ( 2012-2014). She organizes and teaches the training course of JPSH accredited by the Faculty of Homeopathy from 2001. The JPSH is distinctive and significant for the only society that consists exclusively of professional medical practitioners who hold a state qualification in japan.
Her good papers are “Effect of homeopathic treatment of sixty Japanese patients with chronic skin disease. ”Complement Ther Med (2007) and “Intergenerational transmission for Carcinosinum” AmJHomMed (2012).
She translated ”Prisma”, “Homeopathic practice” and “Homeopathy in Primary care”, and co-translated “International Dictionary of Homeopathy” ,‘‘Homeopathy for Women‘ and “Be fruitful : The Essential Guide to Maximizing fertility and Giving Birth to a Healthy Child”.

Shri Roshan Jaggi
Shri Roshan Jaggi
Joint Secretary NI-III, RD-III, General Administration, Parliament,
Coordination, Planning and Evaluation, Establishment - I, Establishment - II,
Receipt & Issue, RTI, NAM, Budget, Cash, Legal, NMPB
Shri Roshan Jaggi, is an officer from Indian Forest Service (Jammu & Kashmir cadre: 1988 batch) and is presently working as Joint Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) for last more than one and a half year. He served in the cadre state at different senior positions in Government departments, PSUs including the Pollution Control Board and Forest Development Corporation and State-Wildlife Department and thus carry a varied experience of administration and public life spanning over more than thirty years.
He has remained associated with the Medicinal Plant Sector as well & contributed substantially for lively hood avenue generation for Nomadic tribals through the development of Medicinal Plant sector in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. He has the experience of working in Eco-Tourism sector of Jammu & Kashmir. In the Ministry, he has been, apart from other assignments, has been dealing with flagship scheme of National AYUSH Mission - which aims at development and growth of AYUSH sector in partnership with States & Union Territories.

Dr. S. Venkatesh
Dr. S. Venkatesh
Director General of Health Services, Government of India
Dr Srinivasaraghavan Venkatesh, Director General of Health Services, Government of India is also an ex-officio Member of the Board of Governors of the Medical Council of India. A distinguished alumnus of JIPMER, Puducherry and the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr Venkatesh also holds Diplomate of the National Board.
In his public health career spanning over three and half decades, he has held several key positions in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. Dr Venkatesh led Strategic Information and Targeted Intervention programmes at the National AIDS Control Organization. He was Director of the National Centre for Disease Control and Project Director of the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme. He started MPH (Field Epidemiology) course and strengthened Epidemic Intelligence Service programme at NCDC.
He planned and conducted the Integrated Biological & Behavioural Surveillance in 2014. He spearheaded the development and launch of the National Action Plan to combat Antimicrobial Resistance in 2017. He led the curriculum development & training for Population Based Screening for selected Non-Communicable Diseases in 2017.
He contributed to launch of the National Programme for Prevention & Control of Viral Hepatitis in July, 2018. He has been a strong proponent of the Programme-Academia interface for strengthening health systems.

Dr. S. P. Shani
Dr. S. P. Shani
Deputy Drugs Controller (India), CDSCO(HQ), FDA Bhawan
Dr. S. P. Shani Deputy Drugs Controller (India) having obtained the Doctorate in 2016 in Pharmaceutical Sciences, M.Pharmacy in 1990. He joined the CDSCO in the year 1994 and was the in charge of Biological division and conducted many GMP, GCP and GLP inspections of various Biological Units with or without International regulators.
He has been played a key role in qualifying the WHO NRA Assessment for CDSCO in 2012. He has also worked as ADC Port Office, Delhi for scrutinising the various consignments of Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics for import and export. He also worked as Deputy Drugs Controller (India) at CDSCO East Zone, Kolkata where in coordination with various State Licensing Authorities for enforcing the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules made thereunder.
He has also conducted WHO-GMP inspections for Pharmaceuticals and Ayurvedic drugs. He has participated in various national & international trainings & workshops of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He is the Member secretary of Screening Committee for launching the prosecution against firms and member secretary of Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act Sub Committee and Coordinator with the BIS for clarifications & Suggestions in respect of Cosmetics. Presently, he is also the member/representative from CDSCO in various committees related to ASU&H Drugs likes Sub-committee of DTAB on Homoeopathy, Empowered committee for control of misleading advertisements of AYUSH Drugs, Committee for Procurement of ASU Medicines by State Govt./Hospitals/Dispensaries/CGHS Store- formulation of guidelines, Expert committee for the purpose of developing a Standard template for the labelling of licensed ASU Medicines and for amendment in license form

Dr. Srinivas Rao Chinta
Dr. Srinivas Rao Chinta
M.D(Hom) Repertory
Assistant Adviser(H), Ministry of AYUSH, Government of IndiaMember Secretary-Sub Committee of DTAB on Homoeopathy.
Working in the Ministry of AYUSH as Assistant Adviser(Homoeopathy) since 2007.
Dealing with matters connected with the education and practice of Homoeopathy including the drug related issues of Homoeopathy under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules made thereunder.
Dealing with policy issues and drafting/amendment of key legislations of Ministry of AYUSH.
Member-Secretary to the Sub-Committee of Drug Technical Advisory Board on Homoeopathy constituted under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 to address the issues relating to Homoeopathy Drugs.

Prof. Dr. Shriram Sheshgir Savrikar
Prof. Dr. Shriram Sheshgir Savrikar
Chairman, Scientific Body, Pharmacopeia Commission of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy (PCIM &H), Govt of India (New Delhi)
Prof. Savrikar is Chairman of Scientific body, Pharmacopeia commission of Indian medicine and Homoeopathy (PCIM & H). He also Advisor, to Hon’ble Shri Shripadji Naik, Minister of AYUSH, Govt of India, New Delhi and Adivsor to Hon’ble Shri Girish Mahajan, Minister of Medical Education, Maharashtra
Prof. Savrikar is former Professor, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu), Mumbai and has total teaching experience of 40 yrs. He is expert and member of Governing Body, Central Council of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), Court, Banaras Hindu University, Varanashi, Management Council, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra and Scientific Advisory Committee, IPGT&RA, Gujarat Ayurved Univeristy, Jamnagar
Prof Savrikar has experience as Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, Committee, IPGT&RA, Gujarat Ayurved Univeristy, Jamnagar. He is recipient of various awrds and recognitions like Waradekar award for Social work and Research in Medicine, Sunderalal Joshi award for outstanding performance in administration in field of Ayurved, Recipient of Excellence in Ayurveda National Award 2013 by MedScape India, Recipient of ' Vd. D. V. Shende Rasaushadhi award-1997’, Honoured with ' Pranacharya ' degree by Shri Indraprasthiya Vaidya Sabha' Delhi , ‘Ayurved Martand’ by All India Ayurvedic Specialist (P.G.) Association, New Delhi, ‘Sanman patra’ by Ayurved Vyaspeeth, Maharashtra at Ahemadnagar, Maharashtra, Late Hirendranath Duttt Gupta Memorial Oration – 2007 by East India Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. Kolakata, India. He is nominee for IASTAM Naginadas Shah Award 2019 by Indian Association of Traditional Asian Medicine, India.

Sandra F. Chico
Sandra F. Chico
Professional, Inspector senior in National Administration of Food, Drugs and Medical Technology (ANMAT),Coordinator of the commission of legislation update for herbal medicines.
Sandra F. Chico is a Pharmacist, Specialist in Clinical Pharmacy and Sterilization, a professional in ANMAT (National Administration of Food, Drugs and Medical Technology). She was born in San Miguel de Tucuman in the north of Argentina. From 1996 to 2005, she worked at the Eva Peron Hospital (ex resident), as pharmacy's clinical at the Rivadavia Hospital, as Head of Sterilization of Ushuaia Hospital.
She works in INAME (National Institute of Drugs) as senior Inspector of medicines for operating authorizations (qualification), structure modification, good manufacturing practices and control in the area of medicines, herbal medicines and active pharmaceutical ingredients of plant origin since 2006. It is also:
She is coordinator of planning and strategies for herbal medicines. She is coordinator and member of the commission for updating legislation on herbal medicines (ex-phytotherapics).
She is coordinator of the Herbal Medicines Subcommittee (ex Fitoterapia) of Farmacopea Argentina (FA). She is a member of the Thematic Technical Committee on Plant Drugs (CTT Vegetal Drugs) in the MERCOSUR Pharmacopoeia Cooperation Project.
She is a Focal Point of ANMAT / Argentina for "International Regulatory Cooperation for Herbal Medicines (IRCH)", WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) from 2013 to date. She is member of the Working Group of the Ibero-American Form of the EAMI Network (Meeting of Competent Authorities in Medicines of Ibero-American Countries).

Prof. Shailendra K Saxena
Prof. Shailendra K Saxena
PhD, FRSC (London), FRSB (UK), FAcadTM (Austria), MASM (USA), MASV (USA)
Vice Dean & Professor, Centre for Advance Research, King George's Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow, India.
Dr. Shailendra K. Saxena is Vice Dean and Professor at King George's Medical University, Lucknow, India. He distinguished himself in biomedical profession and has gained worldwide recognition for his immense contributions in eradication of various infectious diseases with an excellent track record working overseas including USA, United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) for several years. His research interests are to understand the molecular mechanisms of host defense during human viral infections and to develop new predictive, preventive, and therapeutic strategies for them using JEV, HIV and emerging viruses as a model, via stem cell and cell culture technologies. He has authored several Books and Book Chapters, which are taught in several countries worldwide, and published several prestigious papers in quality peer-reviewed international journals with high impact factor (Science, PNAS, Nature Medicine) with high citation. His work has been highly cited by numerous investigators globally in various peer-reviewed journals and prestigious books of Microbiology/Virology and monographs. He has been invited to present his research work in various conferences abroad. He has received many awards and honors in India and abroad including various Young Scientist Awards; BBSRC India Partnering Award, UK; Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, USA, funded HIV/AIDS prevention research MERIT Fellowship; Dr. JC Bose National Award of Department of Biotechnology, Min. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India; KGMU-Academic Excellence Award, Springer Nature Award 2018 and Fellow of various national and international prestigious societies/academies including The Royal Society of Chemistry London (FRSC), The Royal Society of Biology UK (FRSB), Academy of Translational Medicine Professionals, Austria, The Academy of Environmental Biology, India (FAEB), Indian Virological Society (FIVS), The Biotech Research Society, India (FBRS), Elected Full Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (USA), and is named as the “Global Leader in Science” by The Scientist magazine (USA) and “International Opinion Leader/Expert involved in the vaccination for JE” by IPIC (UK).

Shivang Swaminarayan
Prof. Shailendra K Saxena
Dr. Shivang Swaminarayan is member of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Govt of India. He is on editorial board of': 4 dvancement in Homeopathic Research"& "Journal of Case Studies in Homoeopathy" as well National Secretary of Pharmacist Wing, of Homoeopathic Medical Association of India. Dr. Swaminarayan is cofounder of "Homoeopathy Knowledge Centre" and founder of "Friends 4 Homoeopathy". He was Chairman of Committee for Homoeopathy at IDMA (GSB) & was member of various Task Force of AYUSH & Government of India. He was Scientific Committee Member & Co-ordinator of Allied Life Sciences of 661 World Homoeopathy Congress LIGA 2011.
Dr. Swaminarayan, a trained Homoeopathic Physician, headed healthcare division of Healwell International Ltd (SINTEX group of Companies) for 17 years with experience of market entry, business development,regulatory & policy interventions, research etc. He pursued MBA apart from PG studies in Health & Family Welfare Management from National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW) & PG studies in ONE HEALTH.
He brings with him rich & diverse professional, clinical & research experience of two & half decades. Dr Swaminarayan is among very few & the first Indian homoeopath to initiate large scale scientific research in Veterinary homoeopathy, an unexplored and unattended area till date. His other research interests are in the field of Mother and Child health,School Health,Public Health,m health, capacity building for rural healthcare, application of homoeopathy in organic farming, & health economics.
He hails from family of Doctors & married to Sangita,a vivid Architect & Interior Designer who has International projects to her credit.

Dr. Sukhbir Kaur
Dr. Sukhbir Kaur
Professor, Department of Zoology, Panjab University Chandigarh
Born on 14th May, 1961, she did her doctorate from the prestigious Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh in 1991. After working as a CSIR-Research Associate and Senior Research Officer in the Indo-US project at PGIMER, she joined the present Department as a Reader in 1998 and became Professor in 2006. Her field of specialization is Parasite Immunology and Therapeutics with special emphasis on visceral leishmaniasis.
She has mentored more than 60 post-graduate, doctoral (PhD) and post-doctoral students. She is also a fellow of the prestigious Indian Society for Parasitology and Zoological Society of India. She has held many administrative positions such as Coordinator of the Central Animal house and NSS and was Chairperson of the Department from 2015-2018. She is the Coordinator of the UGC Centre for Advanced Studies (2015-2020) with a grant of ~180 lacs.
Presently she is the President of the Indian Society for Parasitology. Dr. Kaur has received number of extramural grants from ICMR, UGC, DST-SERB-EMR. She is on the panel of many National and State Bodies and Organisations as an Expert Member.
She has published 70-75 research papers in journals of international repute. Currently she is handling 3 national projects and working into the molecular mechanisms of plants products and their active components.
Based on her experience in the field of Therapeutics and Vaccinology she was sanctioned a project from CCRH and presently is working in collaboration with them for generating experimental data on the efficacy of homeopathic drugs against life threatening parasitic diseases.

Dr. Surjit Singh Makker
Dr. Surjit Singh Makker
BVSc & AH, MSc (IT), MCA, M.F.Hom. (Member Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia)
DTS (Direct Trainer Skills)
Joint Director, Animal Husbandry Department, Govt. of Punjab, India. ,Veterinary Homoeopath in Small, Large, Birds and Zoo Animals
Developed Veterinary Hospital Management Software’s and various types of Veterinary Diagnostic Software’s.
Giving Free On-line Treatment to all type of Animals in Universe, Since the year 2000 through website
Developed one Mobile App. on Veterinary Homoeopathy.
Read more than 26 papers in various National and International Conferences in India and Abroad (Malaysia, Singapore, Riga Latvia, Paris and Brazil, Germany) on Veterinary Homoeopathy.
Life Member of Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) - The international homeopathic medical society Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI),
Member Faculty of KVASU, MANNUTHY, Kerala for the preparation of Course materials for Post Graduate Certificate Course in Veterinary Homeopathy in KVASU for the topic “ Introduction to Clinical Repertory in Veterinary Practice.”
Conferred India`s most coveted “Rashtriya Gaurav Award” and CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE by India International Friendship Society New Delhi on March 26th, 2018 for outstanding Achievements in Veterinary Homoeopathy.

Dr. Theodoros LILAS
Dr. Theodoros LILAS
Assistant Professor at University of the Aegean
Dr. Theodore Lilas is Assistant Professor at Aegean University in the field of Computer Science. He is an Electrical and Computer Engineer from National Technical University of Athens. He holds MSc in Computer Science from Columbia University, New York, where he received graduate research assistantship from Center for Telecommunications Research for Student Electronic Notebook, a predecessor of tablets from IBM. His PhD thesis at NTUA was supported with research assistantship from General Secretary for Research and Technology in the field of artificial intelligence enhancing robotics with computer vision. Has participated in several National and European research projects including expert systems, telemedicine and robotics rehabilitation projects.
Has also worked as consultant in industry and participated in intelligent automation projects. Since 2005 is teaching Computer Science and Telematics at Aegean University and in 2012 has been elected Assistant Professor in the same University. Research focuses on intelligent autonomous systems. Since 2011 he is coordinating R&D for VithoulkasCompass decision support system algorithms and research in data mining clinical cases.

Dr. Thomas Breitkreuz
Dr. Thomas Breitkreuz
Dr. med.
Internal Medicine, Anthroposophic Medicine, Intensive Care, Palliative CareMedical Director, Die Filderklinik, Stuttgart, Germany
Chairman of Commission C, BfArM, Bonn, Germany
President of IVAA (International Federation of Anthroposophic Medial Associations) Speaker of the Board, Hufelandgesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Thomas Breitkreuz is Medical Director of the Filderklinik, an anthroposophic Hospital for Integrative Medicine in Stuttgart, Germany. He is a specialist in Internal Medicine and Palliative Care, combining in his clinical practice conventional western and anthroposophic medicine. He is Chairman of Commission C (Anthroposophic Medicine) at the BfArM, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Germany ( He is the President of IVAA, the umbrella organisation of all anthroposophic medical associations across the world ( He is the speaker and board member of Hufelandgesellschaft, the national German umbrella organization of the medical associations representing the different traditions in the field of Integrative Medicine.
His international activities include research in integrative oncology and antimicrobial resistance, organization of international conferences and workshops in the field of Integrative Medicine and collaboration on the expert level with TCIM stakeholders, ministries and public health services in the area of integrative medicine within the hospital sector.

Dr. Todd A. Hoover
Dr. Todd A. Hoover
MD, Dht
Consultant/ Trustee, Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the United States
Todd A. Hoover, MD, DHt is a Trustee on the Board of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States and the past Delegate from the U.S. to the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis and past president of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He is Board Certified in Family Medicine and Homeopathic Medicine. He has been widely published and has lectured extensively, both in the U.S. and in international conferences over the past 30 years.
For the past ten years, Dr. Hoover led the development of the HPCUS Proving Guidelines and the recently published Clinical Data Guidelines. He has focused his work with the HPCUS on compliance strategies for pharmacopeia evaluation of new homeopathic drugs. And his recent work in researching the validity of provings will be of considerable value in helping to confirm the foundations of our homeopathic medicine.
In addition to his homeopathic experience, Dr. Hoover has pursued yoga training in a university here in India for the past six years and graduated with his BA in yoga last week. He hopes to carry on the work of improving health through both of these profound healing tools in the years to come.
Please welcome Dr. Todd Hoover for this round table discussion on Market approval for New Homeopathic Medicines.

Dr. Vadim Merkulov
Dr. Vadim Merkulov
Doctor of medical sciences, professor, specialty – molecular
biology, Deputy Director General for expert evaluation of medicinal products of Federal State Budgetary Institution
“Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products”
Dr. Vadim was born in Briansk in the year 1970. He completed his graduation from State Medical Institute of Smolensk in 1994. After graduation passed military service in scientific positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
He was holding position of First Deputy Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products” of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 2010-2015. Further he was Deputy Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NS EEMP” of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the Expertise of Medicines in 2015.
From 2008 to 2016 he was having the post of professor of chair medical nanobiotechnology Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov. Currently he is working at the post of professor of Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacy FGAOU First MGMU now named Sechenov.
Dr. Vadim's scientific interests are in development and examination of drugs and biomedical cell products; molecular biology; molecular diagnosis of viral infections; development of antiviral and anticancer drugs. He is author of more than 150 scientific papers and is having 9 patents to his credit.
Mr. Ahmed M Hussein Babiker